Lesson Blog Jan 11th, 2025 - Hatsugama (First Kettle) No.2
The second half of the Hatsugama tea ceremony lesson started by hearing Narimono (metal gongs) to enter the tea room.
The flowers on the alcove was Kamohonami camellia and red plums. The vase was Ichijugiri, a single cut layer of green bamboo, made by Sasaki Soichi Sensei.
Koicha (thick tea) was served in the Hira-temae style. Prepared macha was Soho (Marukyu Koyamaen by Rouho Oosawa).
Next is Usucha (thin tea). This tea was served in a Kasane-chawan, stacked bowl style. This is a characteristic tea serving method of the Kobori Enshu Ryu.
Prepared macha was Chiyonomatsu (Matsuoen, Nagoya), and sweets were Ema Mi Wasanbon and Sasa Knot Arihei sugar (Sweet Confectionally Hogetsudo, Kagawa).