Lesson Blog Oct 12th, 2024

It is a clear autumn sky morning, the ground is wet by clear sparkling water. The sound of water falling from the Kakei to the Tsukubai (stone wash basin) echoes even more clear in the air.

The scroll on the alcove is "吟風一様松 -kaze ni ginzu ichiyo no matsu." It is a passage from the Chinese book “Kansan-shi,” and its couplet is “露泣千般草 -tsuyu ni naku senpann no kusa." The general meaning of this passage is: “The morning dew is wetting the flowers and grasses, and pine trees which has great diversity are swaying in the wind. The wet grass and flowers are in a thousand different forms, while the wind blowing on the pine trees is uniform. Discrimination and equality go hand in hand.

The flowers on the alcove are gentian, silver leaf, patrinia scabiosiforia, red respedeza, and white respedeza.

As for sweets, prepared “Kuri Rikyu Miyabi”(Chestnut Confectionery Hyuga Rikyu-an, Miyazaki).