Lesson Blog Jul 13th, 2024
It is the month of Fumizuki. It is the first day of a three-day weekend, and we can't wait for the rainy season to end.
The hanging scroll on the alcove is "白雲自来去 (hakuunn onozukara kyoraisu) - white clouds come and go of their own accord." Clouds appear and disappear freely. The white clouds are an example of a mind that is unattached to things. The couplet is "青山元不動 (seizan moto fudou) - green mountains remain motionless." Clouds can move freely because of the immovable mountain.
The flowers are Chinese bellflower with other four kinds of flowers.
For sweets, prepared "Waka Ayu (young freshwater trout)" (Daigokuden Honpo, Kyoto).